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Couverture de The Sea-Ringed World

The Sea-Ringed World

De : Maria Garcia Esperon
Lu par : David Bowles
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    Fifteen thousand years before Europeans stepped foot in the Americas, people had already spread from tip to tip and coast to coast. Like all humans, these Native Americans sought to understand their place in the universe, the nature of their relationship with the divine, and the origin of the world into which their ancestors had emerged.

    The answers lay in their sacred stories.

    This collection of those stories - from nations and cultures across two continents, what the Aztecs called the Sea-Ringed World, from the edge of Argentina all the way up to Alaska - is a treasure.

    The Em Querido list seeks to introduce the finest books in translation from around the world to an American audience. We feel lucky to be bringing you this book on our inaugural list, which we hope will be a true window and mirror.

    ©2021 Maria Garcia Esperon (P)2021 Dreamscape Media, LLC
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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