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Couverture de The Scrolls of Deborah

The Scrolls of Deborah

De : Esther Goldenberg
Lu par : Dara Kramer
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    Unveiling the ancient tableaus of the desert, The Scrolls of Deborah is a profound feminist retelling that immerses listeners in a breathtaking exploration of female relationships through the story of Biblical characters Rebekah and Deborah.

    The Scrolls of Deborah transports us to the awe-inspiring landscapes of the past and uncovers the intertwined lives of Rebekah, a revered matriarch in Judaism, and her devoted handmaiden Deborah. In this mesmerizing tale, their strength, wisdom, and love take center stage, shaping their destinies amid a world steeped in tribal tradition.

    With poignant vulnerability, The Scrolls of Deborah, a work of Biblical fiction and the first installment of the Desert Songs Trilogy, illuminates the hidden stories of these remarkable women, whose pivotal roles have often been overshadowed. Against the backdrop of the desert and the opulence of palaces, the narrative weaves a tapestry of captivating tales. Each moment reveals stories filled with heartbreak and inspiration, leaving an indelible mark on the very fabric of religious thought.

    Through the telling of Deborah’s day-to-day life, the book exposes the profound beauty of connection and community, showcasing the transformative power of shared experiences. It invites listeners to witness the immense strength found in the bonds between women and how their choices reverberate across generations.

    The Scrolls of Deborah is a testament to the enduring legacy of these extraordinary women whose stories challenge and reshape our understanding of history, faith, and the limitless possibilities of the human spirit.

    ©2024 Esther Goldenberg (P)2024 Row House by Spotify Audiobooks

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