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  • The Science of Fortnite

  • The Real Science Behind the Weapons, Gadgets, Mechanics, and More!
  • De : James Daley
  • Lu par : Kevin T. Collins
  • Durée : 4 h et 44 min

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The Science of Fortnite

De : James Daley
Lu par : Kevin T. Collins
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    Discover the science behind the Fortnite phenomenon!

    Drawing in more than a hundred million players in its first year of existence, Fortnite's crazy mix of intense combat, wild weapons, innovative construction mechanics, and eccentric environments has made it one of the most popular online video games in the world. A perfect gift for any Fortnite fan, The Science of Fortnite addresses more than 50 topics that span the entire Fortnite universe! This book includes scientific discussions of many of Fortnite's most interesting gameplay details, including: the island, the battle bus, traps, gadgets, weapons, schematics, building, and the storm.

    This book will discuss how many of the game's most fantastical weapons might actually work, how the player-made structures would or wouldn't stand up to the stress of battle, and what the deal is with that huge purple storm! Whether you're a fan of Battle Royale, Save the World, or Creative play, The Science of Fortnite will entertain and enlighten you with the scientific truths behind this amazing game.

    ©2019 James Daley (P)2021 Tantor

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