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  • The Scariest Serial Killers

  • Terrifying True Crime Stories of the Night Stalker Richard Ramirez, Ted Bundy, Cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer, and John Wayne Gacy the Killer Clown (4-Book Collection)
  • De : James Richmond
  • Lu par : Aaron Smith
  • Durée : 14 h et 9 min

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The Scariest Serial Killers

De : James Richmond
Lu par : Aaron Smith
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    Peer into the dark and twisted minds of some of humanity’s most infamous killers with this riveting true crime collection.

    With a gritty, raw, and compelling account of the lives and crimes of four terrifying murderers, this eerie and disturbing collection paints a vivid picture of their heinous crimes, along with the chilling psychology that drove them to prey on their fellow men and women. Shedding light on the lives and upbringing of Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard “Night Stalker” Ramirez, and killer clown John Wayne Gacy, this audiobook delves into the grisly details of their killing sprees, as well as the warped ideas that drove them to murder.

    With profound insights into their disturbed minds, the childhood events that helped shape them into what they became, and the high-stakes manhunts that captured the attention of the world, you’ll bear witness to the depravity of each killer, from their first victims to their eventual captures and trials.

    Inside this terrifying collection, you’ll discover the stories of:

    • Ted Bundy, the charismatic and murderous predator who preyed on women and girls
    • Jeffrey Dahmer, the horrifying Milwaukee cannibal who dismembered, ate, and preserved his victims
    • Richard Ramirez, the infamous "Night Stalker" who terrorized the quiet suburban neighborhoods of California
    • John Wayne Gacy, the killer clown who stored his victims beneath the floorboards of his home

    Perfect for true crime fans, law enforcement, serial killer fanatics, and anybody whose morbid curiosity gets the better of them, The Scariest Serial Killers is a chilling reminder of the darkest aspects of humanity. These true crime stories will capture your interest and leave you afraid of what might be lurking among us….

    Are you ready to unearth the true stories behind these terrifying killers? Then start listening now….

    ©2022 James Richmond (P)2022 Flâneur Media

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