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Couverture de The Salvation Equation

The Salvation Equation

De : Gabriel Ansley Erb
Lu par : Noah Kershisnik
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    Can you spot today’s doctrines of devils?

    Are you confused about salvation? Do you not know what you need to do to make heaven? Jesus said, “If you want to obtain eternal life, keep the commandments.” (Matthew 19:17). Then, to clarify which commandments, he began listing each of the 10 commandments.

    So, is this true? 

    But preachers today tell us if we just believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins, we’ll go to heaven. How does that make sense with Christ’s words above?

    And why did Paul write “It’s not of works lest you should boast” (Ephesians 2:9) to the Jewish religious leaders of his day? Does this mean we don’t have to live by the commandments? And why did Paul say, “Eternal life is a free gift of God” (Romans 6:23)? But then, he also says, “For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified” (Romans 2:13). 

    It’s so confusing! 

    Honestly, what is the real truth of salvation? What must we really do to obtain eternal life?

    In the book The Salvation Equation, Gabriel Ansley Erb answers these questions very clearly through a simple equation. The equation was born out of God’s message behind the Israelite’s story of bondage in Egypt, deliverance through Moses, and wilderness journey to a promised land, which is the anointed message Gabriel received from God on December 8, 2007.

    If you're confused about salvation, this is the book for you. It will clear up all your questions! And afterward, you will be able to spot Satan’s doctrines of devils in today’s church world. 

    Receiving eternal life is the most important goal of our lives. 

    Here's what you will learn from this book:

    • The real meaning of the word repentance 
    • Things God’s grace did for all mankind
    • The only evidence that proves our faith 
    • The real reason Paul wrote “It’s not of works”
    • The truth behind “the free gift of eternal life”
    • What it really means to “believe in Jesus”
    • The 10 commandments are the 10 love commandments (LC)
    • All Christ’s teachings were based on keeping the 10 LC 
    • Where forgiveness, giving, and contentment fit into the 10 LC 
    • All sin is based on disobedience to the 10 LC

    Don’t allow yourself to be deceived on this matter. Get Gabriel's book today and forever know the truth.

    ©2019 Gabriel Ansley Erb (P)2020 Gabriel Ansley Erb

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