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Couverture de The Sail

The Sail

De : Landon Beach
Lu par : Scott Brick
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    "Landon Beach is the real deal. And The Sail is a top-notch thriller with suspense to burn!" (Ted Bell, author, New York Times best-selling Alex Hawke series)

    As a picturesque and perfect summer arrives in Michigan, a father and son prepare to sail around Lake Superior, one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world. It is a trip three years in the making and filled with planned stops for wreck diving, camping, and hiking. The water is deep, the wind is just right, and the sunsets are sublime. If there was ever a place for Robin and Tristian Norris to "get away from it all", the remote Superior coastline is it.

    But when their anchor fouls, Robin not only uncovers a lost hoard of valuable gems, but also discovers a mysterious stowaway aboard their boat. Who is she? And what is she running from?

    What started as a paradisaical trip quickly turns into a dangerous game of cat and mouse, and the trio is forced to battle high-tech pirates who'd do anything to reclaim their a nightmare that tests not only the trio's bond, but their will to survive.

    Grab a life jacket and find something or someone to hold on to, it's time to go sailing.

    ©2019 Landon Beach (P)2020 Landon Beach

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