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Couverture de The Safe House

The Safe House

De : Sam Baron
Lu par : Lauryn Allman
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    I stare down at the sunken patch of earth with awful dread. Caring hands take hold of the little girl, lifting her out of the dirt and debris, cradling her gently. A woman old enough to be her abuelita, one fist clutching a rosary, closes the child’s eyes. Her tears wash runnels through the caked mud on her granddaughter’s face as she gives her one final kiss.

    When an underground safe house collapses in Santa Carina Valley, California, FBI Agent Susan Parker is called to lead the investigation. Still reeling from her husband's murder and struggling to rebuild her life as a single mom to her young daughter, Susan is now faced with her toughest case yet.

    As Susan digs deeper, she uncovers a chilling truth—this was no accident, but a cold-blooded mass murder. The trail leads to a mysterious figure known as ‘The Saint,’ a supposed savior with a twisted hatred and deadly agenda.

    With a ruthless killer targeting the vulnerable, can Susan unmask The Saint before more lives are lost? Or will she become the next casualty?

    A heart-stopping and propulsive thriller that will keep you up listening late into the night, The Safe House is perfect for fans of Robert Dugoni, Lisa Regan and A.J. Rivers.

    ©2024 Sam Baron (P)2024 Storm Publishing

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