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  • The Sacred Romance Workbook, Updated Edition: Audio Bible Studies

  • Coming Home to the God Who Pursues Your Heart
  • De : John Eldredge
  • Lu par : John Eldredge
  • Durée : 7 h

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The Sacred Romance Workbook, Updated Edition: Audio Bible Studies

De : John Eldredge
Lu par : John Eldredge
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    The Sacred Romance touched thousands when it was first released and left many hungry to apply its material to their own lives. Bestselling author John Eldredge answers that call with this revised and updated innovative workbook and journal.

    If you're feeling lost, disconnected, or longing for something more, join bestselling author John Eldredge in this exploration of the greatest love of our lives: our faith. The Sacred Romance Workbook, which accompanies the book by the same name, invites you to find the peace and purpose you crave by slowing down, asking questions, and deepening your relationship with God.

    John Eldredge believes that modern Christians have lost touch with their hearts. They've left that essential part of themselves behind in the pursuit of efficiency, success, and the busyness of their lives. The Sacred Romance Workbook will guide you through a journey to getting to know yourself and your creator even better, asking you:

    • What is this restlessness and emptiness I feel, sometimes after years into my Christian journey?
    • How will my spiritual life touch the rest of my life?
    • What is it that is set so deeply in my heart, that simply will not leave me alone?
    • When did I stop listening to God's leading?

    The Sacred Romance Workbook is a journey of the heart. It is a journey full of intimacy, adventure, and beauty, that will guide you to your fondest memories, your greatest loves, your noblest achievements, and even your deepest hurts—but the reward is worth the risk.

    ©2024 John Eldredge (P)2024 HarperChristian Resources

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