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  • The Rumi Prescription

  • How an Ancient Mystic Poet Changed My Modern Manic Life
  • De : Melody Moezzi
  • Lu par : Mozhan Marnò
  • Durée : 7 h et 7 min

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The Rumi Prescription

De : Melody Moezzi
Lu par : Mozhan Marnò
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    A powerful personal journey to find meaning and life lessons in the words of a wildly popular 13th century poet.

    Rumi's inspiring and deceptively simple poems have been called ecstatic, mystical, and devotional. To writer and activist Melody Moezzi, they became a lifeline. In The Rumi Prescription, we follow her path of discovery as she translates Rumi's works for herself - to gain wisdom and insight in the face of a creative and spiritual roadblock. With the help of her father, who is a lifelong fan of Rumi's poetry, she immerses herself in this rich body of work, and discovers a 13th-century prescription for modern life.

    Addressing isolation, distraction, depression, fear, and other everyday challenges we face, the book offers a roadmap for living with intention and ease, and embracing love at every turn - despite our deeply divided and chaotic times. Most of all, it presents a vivid reminder that we already have the answers we seek, if we can just slow down to honor them.

    • You went out in search of gold far and wide, but all along you were gold on the inside.
    • Become the sky and the clouds that create the rain, not the gutter that carries it to the drain.
    • You already own all the sustenance you seek. If only you'd wake up and take a peek.
    • Quit being a drop. Make yourself an ocean.
    ©2020 Melody Moezzi (P)2020 Penguin Audio

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