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The Rose Flock

De : Christopher Cain
Lu par : Jessica Taige
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In the pleasant town of Rose, Kansas, a breathtaking mansion stands alone on a windswept prairie. Its presence mystifies the locals almost as much as the three elusive individuals that live within its marble walls. They are known as the Rose Flock, and the rumors about them range from extraordinary to disturbing.

Alexis Lunden, a college student working as a waitress, has heard every rumor about the Flock and is shocked when the group’s ringleader, the handsome and filthy rich, Charlie Roanoke, begins paying her regular visits at the restaurant. Blinded by infatuation, Alexis allows herself to be lured into his world of unimaginable extravagance. As their friendship blossoms, she must regularly suppress the feeling that this new relationship is too good to be true. It isn’t until she finds herself in the basement of an ancient church staring down at a glowing pool of water when she realizes that Charlie has had a plan for her all along. Despite it all, she steps into the pool. Her life as she knows it is now over.

On another earth, somewhere across the vast universe, a girl steps from a glowing pool beneath a towering willow tree. This coming was foretold fifty thousand years ago.

©2024 Christopher Cain (P)2024 Christopher Cain
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