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Couverture de The Roommate Problem

The Roommate Problem

De : Mariah Ankenman
Lu par : Charlotte North
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    To Moira "Mo" Rossi, the world is full of sunshine, goodness, and happily ever afters - so of course she figures finding the perfect roomie will be easy. But after four creepos who ask if benefits come with the room and one woman who claims she's a vampire, Mo is officially desperate. So what if the guy she agrees to on paper ends up being the Derrick Downer to her Sally Sunshine in person? She's the queen of making lemonade.

    August Porter expected his new roommate Mo to be like him - neat, practical, and oh yeah: male. Not the outrageous hippie with more stars in her eyes than there are in the sky. She's infuriating, exasperating, his exact opposite in every possible way...and the bright ray of sunshine he didn't even realize his gray world was missing. Suddenly, falling into bed with his roommate isn't the worst idea he's ever heard. Just falling in love with her is.

    But one of them is keeping a secret that could turn their opposite attraction into utter disaster.

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2020 Mariah Ankenman (P)2022 Tantor

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