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  • The Romantic Travel Adventures of Stan & Jane

  • Intangible Memories: Everyone Has Secrets, Some Worth Risking Your Life For, Chapter One
  • De : Callum Duncan
  • Lu par : Helena Alice Monger
  • Durée : 36 min

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The Romantic Travel Adventures of Stan & Jane

De : Callum Duncan
Lu par : Helena Alice Monger
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    In the first part of The Romantic Travel Adventures of Stan & Jane, both are individually recalling their time with Guinevere, who was the mother of Jane and foster parent of Stan. But somehow both had different relations. Stan recalls how he struggled all his life, going to war, living in solitude, and keeping a secret. Meanwhile, Jane drops out of school after her mother died. She gets married and divorced and now is suffering from a mental illness. Her narrative is all about how all her life, she felt alien to her mother. 

    In the past, Stan and Jane have been together. They were best friends, but with opposing personalities. This is the reason why Guinevere decided to transfer her secret to Stan. In their teenage years, Stan fell in love with Jane. But Guinevere's death distanced them. Now after years, he decides to follow the road map from Guinevere's diary as he had once promised her. For that, he finds Jane, and the adventure begins.

    ©2022 Dunstamac (P)2022 Dunstamac

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