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Couverture de The Rogue Who Rescued Her

The Rogue Who Rescued Her

De : Christi Caldwell
Lu par : Tim Campbell
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    The third book in the best-selling series The Brethren by USA Today best-selling author Christi Caldwell!

    Martha Donaldson went from being a nobleman's wife, and respected young mother, to the scandal of her village. After learning the dark lie perpetuated against her by her "husband", she knows better than to ever trust a man. Her children are her life, and she'll protect them at all costs. When a stranger arrives seeking the post of stable master, everything says to turn him out. So why does she let him stay? 

    Lord Sheldon Graham Whitworth has lived with the constant reminders of his many failings. The third son of a duke, he’s long been underestimated. That, however, proves a valuable asset as he serves the Brethren, an illustrious division in the Home Office. When Graham’s first mission sees him assigned the role of guard to a young widow and her son, he wants nothing more than to finish quickly and then move on to another, more meaningful assignment. 

    Except, as the secrets between them begin to unravel, Martha’s trust is shattered, and Graham is left with the most vital mission he’ll ever face - winning Martha’s heart.

    This full-length book is the third in The Brethren series but can be heard as a stand-alone.

    ©2018 Christi Caldwell Inc (P)2018 Christi Caldwell

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