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Couverture de The Robot Who Looked Like Me

The Robot Who Looked Like Me

De : Robert Sheckley
Lu par : Johnny Heller
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    In "The Robot Who Looked Like Me," a busy man and a busy woman find a way to carve out time to romance each other—by having look-alike robots made to do the job—who then run away together.

    The twelve other stories in this collection are "Slaves of Time," "Voices," "A Supplicant in Space," "Sneak Previews," "Zirn Left Unguarded, the Jenghik Palace in Flames, John Westerly Dead," "Welcome to the Standard Nightmare," "The Never-Ending Western Movie," "What Is Life?", "I See a Man Sitting on a Chair, and the Chair Is Biting His Leg," "Is That What People Do?", "Silversmith Wishes," and "End City."

    From the very beginning of his career, Robert Sheckley was recognized by fans, reviewers, and fellow authors as a master storyteller and the wittiest satirist working in the science fiction field. Rediscover, or discover for the first time, a master of science fiction who, according to the New York Times, was "a precursor to Douglas Adams."

    ©1973 Robert Sheckley (P)2022 Tantor

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