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Couverture de The Road to Unfreedom

The Road to Unfreedom

De : Timothy Snyder
Lu par : Timothy Snyder
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    Random House presents the audiobook edition of The Road to Unfreedom, written and read by Timothy Snyder.

    The past is another country, the old saying goes. The same might be said of the future. But which country? For Europeans and Americans today, the answer is Russia.

    Today's Russia is an oligarchy propped up by illusions and repression. But it also represents the fulfilment of tendencies already present in the West. And if Moscow's drive to dissolve Western states and values succeeds, this could become our reality, too.

    In this visionary work of contemporary history, Timothy Snyder shows how Russia works within the West to destroy the West: by supporting the far right in Europe, invading Ukraine in 2014, and waging a cyberwar during the 2016 presidential campaign and the EU referendum. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the creation of Donald Trump, an American failure deployed as a Russian weapon.

    But this threat presents an opportunity to better understand the pillars of our freedoms, confront our own complacency and seek renewal. History never ends, and this new challenge forces us to face the choices that will determine the future: equality or oligarchy, individualism or totalitarianism, truth or lies.

    The Road to Unfreedom helps us to see our world as if for the first time. It is necessary listening for any citizen of a democracy.

    ©2018 Timothy Snyder (P)2018 Random House Audiobooks


    "A brilliant and disturbing analysis, which should be read by anyone wishing to understand the political crisis currently engulfing the world." (Yuval Noah Harari, author of Sapiens and Homo Deus)

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