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  • The Rivals

  • De : Jane Pek
  • Durée : 12 h

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The Rivals

De : Jane Pek
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    A prescient literary mystery about corporate espionage, family dynamics, and murder: the follow-up to Jane Pek’s “thoroughly modern twist on classic detective fiction,” The Verifiers (New York Times Book Review)

    “Exhilaratingly well-written. I loved it so much that I didn’t want it to end.”—Emily St. John Mandel on The Verifiers

    Claudia Lin—mystery novel superfan and, until recently, clichéd underemployed English major—has scored her dream job: co-running Veracity, a dating detective agency for chronically online New Yorkers who want to know if their prospective partners are telling the truth. Unfortunately, along the way, she and her colleagues—tech savant Squirrel, and the elegant and intimidating Becks—have uncovered a far-reaching AI conspiracy. And the corporate matchmakers may be resorting to murder to protect their secrets.

    In the wake of a client’s sudden death, Claudia convinces his ex, an industry insider, to turn on his employer and feed the verifiers information about what the powerful dating platforms are really up to. But even as Claudia starts to get a feel for this new genre—just call her Lin, Claudia Lin—she’s distracted by the possibility of romance with both Becks and a very charming target. She also fears that her beloved older brother is unwittingly being drawn into the matchmakers’ deadly web. And as Becks reminds Claudia: spy tropes dictate that someone you trust will betray you.

    Witty and thought-provoking, The Rivals reimagines the spy story to explore the nature of relationships in a digital age.

    ©2024 Jane Pek (P)2024 Random House Audio



    “Jane Pek brings the classic hard-boiled detective story into the modern age with this twisty tale of AI deception. Claudia Lin is a book lover’s dream investigator, with a sharp wit and infinite literary references. I can’t wait to see what tech mystery she unravels next.”—Susie Dumond, author of Looking for a Sign and Queerly Beloved

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