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Couverture de The Rising Tide

The Rising Tide

De : Kyra Anderson
Lu par : Kyra Anderson
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    The extremism in America has gone too far, and Amelia Grant has decided to fight for justice and change the predatory laws of post-revolution America. But the battle has only begun.

    Amelia has a lot to learn about being part of The Coalition, but the only way to learn is on the job. She finds herself taking part in rescue missions, sabotaging the Central Government, and smuggling people across the border out from under the oppressive rule of Central. But while she learns the ropes, Central has been learning about the Coalition, too.

    The group of rebels soon find their families targeted by the terrifying Commission of the People, leading to drastic changes within the Coalition. Amelia must say good-bye to the city she has always known and bring the fight right to Central. In the lion’s den, it’s kill or be killed, and Amelia must adapt to the barbarity of Central. But the fight for change may lead the Coalition to treacherous actions that could turn the entire country against them.

    ©2020 Kendra Amidon (P)2020 Kendra Amidon

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