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  • The Rise of American Populism

  • A Handbook for Radical Patriotism
  • De : Chase Geiser
  • Lu par : Dean Shale
  • Durée : 7 h et 36 min

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The Rise of American Populism

De : Chase Geiser
Lu par : Dean Shale
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    The Rise of American Populism is a captivating exploration into the evolving landscape of American politics. This insightful book delves deep into the ongoing clash between traditional American values and the emerging globalist ideologies. From Chase Geiser, a writer for InfoWars and with a foreword from Alex Jones, the book offers a robust critique of the current state of American democracy, examining the cultural, economic, and political shifts that have shaped the nation.

    With a focus on the resurgence of populism, the book passionately advocates for a renewed sense of patriotism and individualism. It critically assesses the influence of globalist organizations on American sovereignty, urging a return to national interests and values. Written in a compelling and assertive style, this book is a call to action, seeking to inspire and mobilize those who share a deep concern for the future of America.

    The Rise of American Populism is not just a critique, but a bold statement on the importance of preserving American ideals in an ever-changing world.

    ©2024 Skyhorse Publishing, Inc. (P)2024 Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.

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