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Couverture de The Rise and Fall of the Roman and British Empire plus the Crusades

The Rise and Fall of the Roman and British Empire plus the Crusades

De : Michael Klein
Lu par : Ken Maxon, Jim D. Johnston, Richard Core
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    How did we get here, to this time and place in history? Are we repeating history's mistakes because we did not learn about the pivotal events that shaped the modern world?

    This three-book history course helps you quickly understand the nuances and the impact of three crucial periods portrayed in countless films: the Crusades and of the rise and fall of two great empires, the Roman and British.

    The culture, technology, law, and military organization of the Roman Empire shaped western civilization. Determined to spread their rule, the Romans succeeded magnificently until human nature and other factors led to the empire's collapse.

    Were current relationships between Christians and Muslims determined when the knights of the Crusades rode off on their grand quest?

    By the beginning of the 20th century, the British Empire and its superior navy claimed territory larger than that of any other empire in history, but its overreach foretold its downfall. This insightful and critically acclaimed history of the British Empire spans from the 17th century to contemporary time and combines comprehensive scholarship with popular history.

    ©2016 Michael Klein (P)2016 Michael Klein
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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