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Couverture de The Righteous One

The Righteous One

De : Neil Perry Gordon
Lu par : Alan R. Gron
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    The Righteous One is the story of Moshe the cobbler, a gentle, 60-year-old tzaddik - a righteous and saintly Jew - who is called upon to rekindle his divine connection to the Almighty in order to destroy the notorious New York gangster and rasha Solomon Blass, a man who uses his power of foreseeing events via his vivid dreams to advance his own financial interests.

    While Solomon and his son, Myron, seek to control much of Manhattan - its biggest businesses, its police department, and its city government - they find themselves embroiled in conflict with numerous powerful people from both their waking life and the dream world, where Moshe has begun training with the descendants of an ancient mystical spirit for his inevitable confrontation with Solomon.

    As the final battle approaches, the divide between good and evil becomes ever clearer and each character faces the consequences of his past, present, and future actions. Will Solomon’s wily tenacity prevail, or will Moshe be strong enough to destroy the rasha’s wicked soul?

    ©2019 Neil Perry Gordon (P)2020 Neil Perry Gordon

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