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  • The Richest Hummingbird in the Rainforest (English-Spanish Bilingual Edition)

  • Little Explorer, Big World
  • De : Kike Calvo
  • Lu par : Tim Plewman
  • Durée : 3 min

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Couverture de The Richest Hummingbird in the Rainforest (English-Spanish Bilingual Edition)

The Richest Hummingbird in the Rainforest (English-Spanish Bilingual Edition)

De : Kike Calvo
Lu par : Tim Plewman
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    As two little hummingbirds explore life's journey, each path their own brave new world. One lives heedlessly in the moment, while the other discovers a mysterious red book and grows up to become the richest hummingbird in the rainforest. Slow and steady wins the race! Introduce your little ones to the concept of saving, investing, and helping others with this beautifully inspired story.

    ©2023 Kike Calvo (P)2023 Kike Calvo
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "In our fast-paced, ever-changing world, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of material wealth and personal gain. Through this beautifully inspired story, your young hearts will be introduced to the fundamental concepts of saving, investment, and the profound satisfaction that comes from using one's wealth and resources to make the world a better place. What truly sets this story apart is the invaluable lesson it imparts—a lesson that goes far beyond mere financial success. It's a lesson about the art of giving, the joy of helping others, and the profound impact that kindness and generosity can have on our world." (Andy Sabin, The Andrew Sabin Family Foundation)

    "Kike Calvo has done it again! The author who enchanted us all with "The Adventures of Pili" has crafted another's children's masterpiece. In The Richest Hummingbird in the Rain Forest, Kike shares the endearing tale of Walela and Unicorn, two adorable hummingbirds at the center of a parable that reminds us all of an important life lesson. The illustrations are also superb, lending even greater depth and appreciation to the story. Kudos to Kike!" (Peter Antonucci, author of Billionaire's Paradise: Ecstasy at Sea)

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