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The Rhema Word

De : Fraser Keay
Lu par : Fraser Keay
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There is a little bit of confusion in some circles about the Greek words logos and rhema, what they mean, and how they are used in the New Testament.

In this short book, Fraser Keay looks at the biblical meanings of both words and where the logos-rhema distinction came from.

By listening to this book, you will:

  1. Better understand the differences between the two words.
  2. Consider numerous examples of logos and rhema being used in the New Testament.
  3. Appreciate the importance of context when it comes to the meaning of words.
  4. Distinguish between illumination and receiving a revelation.
  5. Consider some other images that may better serve to explain the amazing ways that God speaks to people.
©2021 Fraser Keay (P)2021 Fraser Keay
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