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Couverture de The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving

The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving

De : Jonathan Evison
Lu par : John Chancer
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    Ben was once a stay-at-home dad. Now, after a tragic accident left him with no home and no family, he is trying to rebuild his life with a career in caregiving. His first client is Trev, a sarcastic teenager with muscular dystrophy. In the mornings, Trev watches the weather channel in his wheelchair. In the evenings, he works on a giant wall map of America's weirdest tourist sites. He rarely leaves the house.

    But when Trev's estranged father gets in touch, Ben breaks all the rules of caregiving by taking Trev on a road trip to visit him. Heading west in an ancient Winnebago via such roadside attractions as The Biggest Pit in the World and The Mormon Tabernacle, Ben and Trev crack jokes about girls, argue about fathers, philosophise about life and, slowly, start to mend their broken hearts. Acutely moving, full of warmth and compassion, this is a life-affirming story about finding hope and redemption after terrible tragedy.

    ©2013 Jonathan Evison (P)2013 AudioGO Ltd

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