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  • The Revenge of the Shadow Witch

  • Coven Cove, Book 7
  • De : David Clark
  • Lu par : Mel Heflin
  • Durée : 11 h et 50 min

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The Revenge of the Shadow Witch

De : David Clark
Lu par : Mel Heflin
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    Larissa is the child of two worlds. She is a witch and a vampire…Witches fear her…Vampires want her blood....and to complicate matters, she is in love with a human, which is forbidden by both.

    Larissa and Nathan's reunion offered a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. The coven, now on high alert and locked down, prepares for an imminent attack from the vengeful witch who once controlled the Supreme and the Council of Mages. With a singular focus on eliminating Larissa and preventing her rise to the level of supreme, the stakes have never been higher.

    As battle lines are drawn, Larissa's determination to save not only herself but the coven, her family, and the world of witches pushes her to make a choice. Crossing enemy lines, she seeks to forge an unlikely alliance, knowing that their only chance of survival is if they work together.

    Driven by an unyielding desire for a peaceful future where Nathan, her and their daughter can be a family, Larissa navigates a treacherous landscape where trust is scarce and loyalties are tested. With every step closer to her goal, she is faced with heart-wrenching sacrifices, questioning how much she is willing to bear.

    In this gripping magical tale of survival and sacrifice, Larissa's courage is put to the ultimate test. Can she rally her fellow witches and allies to confront the vengeful witch, or will the darkness consume everything she holds dear? As the fate of the world hangs in the balance, Larissa must confront her own limits and discover the true extent of her strength.

    The Revenge of the Shadow Witch is Book 7 in the best-selling Coven Cove Series by David Clark.

    ©2023 David Clark (P)2024 David Clark

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