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Couverture de The Restart Roadmap

The Restart Roadmap

De : Jason Tartick
Lu par : Jason Tartick
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    Read by the author.


    Take control of your happiness and fulfillment with a monumental restart in your career.

    It’s never too late to redefine yourself and your priorities. In this guide to changing your career and your life, Jason Tartick, a motivational business speaker, investment banker, life coach and host of the Trading Secrets podcast, shares clear action steps to help you define and achieve your vision of financial, professional, and emotional success.

    If you’re feeling lost in your pursuit of finding happiness within yourself, your career, or your personal life, The Restart Roadmap is perfect for you. This book will help you:

    • Evaluate your life and identify the questions you should be asking yourself.
    • Drown out the voices that pushed you in the wrong direction and redefine what success means for you.
    • Understand the downside of following the path society and those around you believe you should, rather than the path that is truly right for you.
    • Pinpoint the steps you need to follow to take control of your own happiness and fulfillment.

    This guide will restart your approach to success—one that aligns your mind, drive, and passion and leads to the ultimate fulfillment you seek.

    URLs to resources referenced in this book are included in the audiobook companion PDF download.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Jason Tartick (P)2022 HarperCollins Leadership

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