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Couverture de The Rest of the Robots

The Rest of the Robots

De : Isaac Asimov
Lu par : William Hope
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    Isaac Asimov’s ROBOT series – from the iconic collection I, Robot to four classic novels – contains some of the most influential works in the history of science fiction. Establishing and testing the Three Laws of Robotics, they continue to shape the understanding and design of artificial intelligence to this day.

    How could robots be used in a time of war? Could a robot be raised like a child? Could we allow them to have children of their own? Is there any human profession that could never be performed by a robotic replacement?

    In The Rest of the Robots, robopsychologist Dr. Susan Calvin and engineers Powell and Donovan return to investigate many more puzzling anomalies and catastrophic malfunctions.

    With characteristic wit, foresight and imagination, Asimov’s stories uncover the practical and ethical issues humanity will encounter in a robotic future.

    ©2023 Isaac Asimov (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers


    ‘Isaac Asimov was one of the great explainers of the age…It will never be known how many practicing scientists today, in how many countries, owe their initial inspiration to a book, article, or short story by Isaac Asimov’
    Carl Sagan

    ‘Asimov displayed one of the most dynamic imaginations in science fiction’
    Daily Telegraph

    ‘Asimov’s career was one of the most formidable in science fiction’
    The Times

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