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  • The Responsive Nonprofit

  • 8 Practices That Drive Nonprofit Innovation and Impact
  • De : Gabe Cooper
  • Lu par : Joe Zieja
  • Durée : 5 h et 37 min

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The Responsive Nonprofit

De : Gabe Cooper
Lu par : Joe Zieja
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    Over the last 5 years, we have seen the rise of Responsive Nonprofits who committed to drive innovation in the charitable sector. A new breed of growth-oriented nonprofit leaders are beginning to emerge. These innovative leaders are using new tactics and technology to drive exponential impact across their fundraising, marketing, program, and operations teams.

    Through hours of conversations with hundreds of the leading innovators in philanthropy, we’ve discovered 9 key practices that responsive nonprofits adopt in order to transform their operations, improve the organizational culture, improve program results, and increase generosity towards their mission. While the practices outlined in this book aren’t new, they combine to provide a playbook for nonprofits dedicated to breaking free from the status quo and driving outsized impact in the world.

    This book is designed for nonprofit leaders who are ready to stop reacting and start innovating. It’s time to break down the walls that stand in the way of sacrificial generosity and increased impact!

    ©2024 Gabe Cooper (P)2024 liberalis

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