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Couverture de The Rescue

The Rescue

De : Shelby Gallagher
Lu par : Lessa Lamb
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    In the final book of Shelby Gallagher‘s A Great State trilogy, Julie and Ned embark on their perilous journey from Colorado to Pierce Point, Washington, where Julie will rescue - and adopt - baby Addison. Julie hopes to save her from the danger that is only growing more extreme as society continues to collapse, and Addison can no longer be safely cared for by her biological parents.

    Meanwhile, unrest in Oregon continues to intensify and violence in the city becomes deadly as cultures clash and lawlessness begins to rule. Strange murders are happening regularly, and the guilty parties will go to great lengths in order to preserve their freedoms.The Rescue chillingly shows the lengths people will go to, so they can survive and thrive in times of chaos and uncertainty. 

    Will Julie and Ned survive the mission through the mountains so that they can save an innocent life and help usher in a new generation of self-reliant survivors? What will become of Julie’s ex-husband once he surrenders his parental rights? Will Julie’s incompetent brother make it through the collapse on his own? Will the violence that is overtaking Oregon make its way to the Great States?

    ©2019 Peanut Butter & Jelly, LLC (P)2019 Peanut Butter & Jelly, LLC

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