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Couverture de The Rendition

The Rendition

De : Albert Ashforth
Lu par : Phil Gigante
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    The brutal secret war to win Kosovo’s freedom from Serbia is in full swing when The Rendition takes listeners behind the headlines for an inside look at the United States’ involvement. Alex Klear, a veteran intelligence officer, is sent to the Balkans on a hastily planned rendition which goes terribly bad. Alex decides it is time to retire until he is persuaded to go to Germany as part of an operation connected to the rendition. In Munich he finds himself caught between two dynamic women, an old girlfriend and the female colonel running the ‘op’.

    While there, he becomes a target of the Kosovo Liberation Army, a murder suspect to the German police, and for his superiors, the perfect fall guy to take the heat for a badly botched secret operation. With Kosovo’s independence declaration coming closer by the day, the secret war heats up, and Alex comes to realize that he is at the center of a murky conspiracy aimed at making the United States an international pariah.

    ©2012 Albert Ashforth (P)2012 Brilliance Audio, Inc.

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