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Couverture de The Reformation

The Reformation

De : M. R. Pritchard
Lu par : John d'Swain
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    Book 2 in The Phoenix Project Series

    Trying to escape from the Phoenix District got Andie two things, a broken arm and a broken spirit. While Andie feels like she might be losing it, she has a bit of hope to hold onto. Everyone else in her family may have been taken away or gone missing, but she has Lina. So she’s going to do what Burton Crane ordered her to do and genetically alter the Residents brains so they are the cooperative, docile humans he requested.

    While analyzing the Residents’ genetic data, Andie finds that there’s more than one District. And while Andie tries to hold on tight to the few things she has control over, Crane has one last surprise. This is the Reformation. Society has been fractured and this is just the beginning of changes to come.

    This is the second book in The Phoenix Project Series, you might be a bit lost if you jump in at this point.

    ©2013, 2023 M. R. Pritchard (P)2024 M. R. Pritchard

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