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Couverture de The Redemption of Mattie Silks

The Redemption of Mattie Silks

De : Kimberly Burns
Lu par : Liz Leafloor
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    Seeking Redemption, She Finds Retribution

    In 1892, running one of the Wests fanciest brothels is a rough game. In a town filled with brazen criminals, corrupt police, zealous politicians, and morality committees, Madam Mattie Silks makes her fortune catering to Colorados gold and silver millionaires. Notorious crime boss Soapy Smith is at the top of the Denver underworld. There are no rules for Smith's gang. They solve problems with bribes and bullets. Mattie's husband stumbles into Soapy's dealings, and she struggles to protect him.

    When gold is discovered in the Yukon, Mattie seizes the opportunity for adventure and profit. But Skagway, Alaska, is even more lawless than Denver. Mattie must use all her business sense and street smarts to safeguard those she cares about. Based on a true story, The Redemption of Mattie Silks is an action-packed tale of a woman succeeding in a mans world even when the cards are stacked against her. The research on the era shines through, as do the grit and spirit of the characters. A colorful and enthralling journey.

    K.T. Blakemore, award-winning author of The Good Time Girls series A nice, nuanced portrait of the complex underworld with fine and witty turns of phrase. A great Western romp! Randi Samuelson-Brown, award-winning author of The Bad Old Days series

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Kimberly Burns (P)2024 Thomas Bard Publishing


    "Mattie is an admirable hero, and watching her carve out a life for herself in the most rugged terrain is a thrill ride." —BookLife Reviews

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