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The Reality Beneath Omnibus

De : Suli Daniel Johnson
Lu par : Suli Daniel Johnson, Rachel Cheeseman, Adam Derringer, Alexander Von Bergman, Jack Nolan, Evan Bloxom, Michelle St Onge
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The Reality Beneath Omnibus is a complete collection of short stories and novellas by SULI Daniel Johnson in the style of The Reality Beneath. It contains short sorties from Old Fashion Reality in The Modern World, Going Sideways on Life, Man of the Mansion, The Horror From Another Space, I Heart You, and the first season of Hitchhiker’s Guide to Hevan and Hell.

It is an insightful mixture of speculative fiction, science fiction, and fantasy. The stories take a look at things we believe we know and understand in a new way. This gets us to think about the world that surrounds us in a new way to reveal a new understanding.

Here is a short sample of some of the storylines:

A boy finds an object he does not understand that brings up questions few people ask. A city-state is created to regulate the factual acuity of information, but human nature puts it to the test. A civilization is found on Mars that makes people ask questions about the short history of human colonization. A man creates an object that creates ultimate pleasure, and it reveals the nature of man. A crazy old man teaches the world about the nature of society.

©2022 Suli Daniel Johnson (P)2022 Suli Daniel Johnson
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