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  • The Real Estate Loophole: Buy a Home - Create a Second Income & Have Your Mortgage Payment Paid for Each Month - Even If You Have Less Than Perfect Credit & Not a Lot to Put Down

  • De : Brian Sacks
  • Lu par : Michael Lakeman
  • Durée : 1 h et 40 min

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The Real Estate Loophole: Buy a Home - Create a Second Income & Have Your Mortgage Payment Paid for Each Month - Even If You Have Less Than Perfect Credit & Not a Lot to Put Down

De : Brian Sacks
Lu par : Michael Lakeman
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    Thirty-seven year mortgage banking veteran reveals the Real Estate Loophole

    Discover how you can buy a home and create a second income and tax savings while having your mortgage payment paid for each month...even if you have less than perfect credit and not a lot to put down.

    You should read this if:

    • You are tired of renting and not having anything to show for it other than a roof over your head.
    • You are finding it hard to afford the rent you are paying, which is consistently going up, but think you are unable to qualify for or afford your own home.
    • You are looking for another source of income but seem never to have enough hours in the day for another “side hustle”.
    • You want to live in a better area of town but think you can’t afford to move.
    • You know that true generational wealth is often generated with real estate investments, but you just don’t know how to get started.
    • You have been debating whether you should buy an investment property or a first home so you take advantage of the skyrocketing prices.
    • You want to buy a home but think you need a lot of money and perfect credit in order to get a mortgage.
    • You are living on a fixed income that is not keeping up with the cost of living and rental rates you currently see.
    • You own your own home and can’t afford the large jump in property taxes, insurance costs, and maintenance on your current income.

    If any of these sentences describes one of your thoughts, then you are in the right place.

    ©2022 Brian I. Sacks (P)2022 Brian I. Sacks

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