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  • The Raven and the Pig

  • The Celwyn Series, Book 3
  • De : Lou Kemp
  • Lu par : Ken Allen
  • Durée : 10 h et 19 min

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The Raven and the Pig

De : Lou Kemp
Lu par : Ken Allen
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    A magician, a widower from the Sudan, and an automat travel the world…

    It is 1876. Three close friends—Jonas Celwyn, the automat Professor Xiau Kang, and Bartholomew, a scientist and widower from Sudan—set out on another adventure. Celwyn has been wounded and all that keeps the immortal peyote-eating magician alive are the skills of an old enemy, his half-brother Pelaez.

    After Celwyn is taken aboard the submarine Nautilus by his companions, they must journey to Thales, the healer of the immortals. Even for the intrepid Captain Nemo and his fearless crew, the adventure will prove deadly. Vampires, witches, and warlocks are gathering nearby. Friends or foes? Who is the target: Jonas or Professor Kang and his plans for a world-changing flying machine?

    The Raven and the Pig is a steampunk fantasy filled with murder, magic, and adventure.

    ©2023 Lou Kemp (P)2023 Lou Kemp

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