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Couverture de The Race Ahead

The Race Ahead

De : Dr. J. Bruce Stewart
Lu par : Steve Ford
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    In Dr. J. Bruce Stewart's transformative work, "The Race Ahead," listeners are taken on a compelling journey into the depths of racial bias ingrained in American society and the mind itself. This groundbreaking book not only diagnoses the presence and origins of racial biases but also prescribes a sophisticated blueprint for eradicating them, aimed at rewiring how we perceive and interact across racial lines.

    Dr. Stewart begins by exploring the psychological foundations of bias, focusing particularly on the amygdala's role in triggering automatic and subconscious responses associated with fear and othering. He explains how these psychological processes, though once essential to human survival, now perpetuate division and misunderstanding in a diverse society. Using relatable anecdotes and rigorous research, Stewart shows how deep-seated fears and stereotypes shape our interactions, often in ways we are not consciously aware of.

    Central to the book is the "Last Mile" problem, a concept Stewart uses to describe the final and most challenging steps in the journey toward racial equity. These steps involve not only acknowledging and understanding biases but actively implementing strategies to dismantle them within ourselves and our institutions. Stewart argues that this last mile is fraught with complexities and challenges, as it requires changing longstanding societal structures and confronting uncomfortable truths.

    Part historical review, part psychological exploration, and part sociological study, "The Race Ahead" delves into the origins and perpetuations of racial myths and stereotypes. From the misrepresentations in media and literature that shape public perception to the policies and practices in education and law enforcement that reinforce racial disparities, Stewart leaves no stone unturned.

    "The Race Ahead" is an urgent call to action, demanding a radical shift in both mindset and behavior from all sectors of society. It challenges listeners to confront their biases

    ©2024 Dr. J. Bruce Stewart (P)2024 J. Bruce Stewart

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