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Couverture de The Quest of the Fish-Dog Skin

The Quest of the Fish-Dog Skin

De : James Willard Shcultz
Lu par : Clay Lomakayu
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    The Quest of the Fish-Dog Skin is a story of the adventures of two Indian boys or, rather, of an Indian boy and a white boy, Indian. These two set forth from the lodges of the Blackfeet, in company with an older Indian who acts as their guide, philosopher, and friend, on a far quest to the salt water to find the medicine-animal that is called "fish-dog" because it lives only in the water, swimming like a fish, yet has the face of a dog and barks like a dog. One of the boys, being of white parentage, knew from books in the little library at home that this strange animal, which we recognize at once as some sort of a seal, frequented the waters of the Pacific Ocean and adjacent rivers.

    Public Domain (P)2024 Sundance

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