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  • The Quest: A Heroic Journey of Adventure, Rescue and Redemption

  • The McGonegal Chronicles: The Quest, The Twelve Gates, Redemption and Illumination, Book 1
  • De : Terence A. McSweeney
  • Lu par : Jessie Jones
  • Durée : 6 h et 39 min

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The Quest: A Heroic Journey of Adventure, Rescue and Redemption

De : Terence A. McSweeney
Lu par : Jessie Jones
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    Esteemed archaeologist Cillian McGonegal had gone missing. He was onto a discovery that would shake up what we know about ancient Egyptian mythology, its origins, time, and our place in the world. Then he vanished.

    After two years, the McGonegal family had given up on ever finding their famous member. Then one day a letter arrived for the other McGonegal brother, Patrick. It was astounding. Cillian was alive, and what’s more, he had solved the mystery of the Serpent Mound. There is danger in this discovery, however, for not all who want answers have the noblest reasons, as Cillian and his brother will soon discover.

    The concept of time and space is relative, and it all begins with a stone artifact given to Cillian by a strange, shadowed figure who has the uncanny ability to appear as he wishes. Throughout their journey, Cillian, Patrick, and their fellow adventurers will be pursued by others who also want to possess the stone. 

    The Quest is the first book of the series that plunges the listener into ancient history and myth presented through a modern tale of adventure, the mystical, honor, and loyalty. Follow the McGonegal brothers as they navigate the perils of power and greed in their quest to find the truth.

    ©2022 Terence A. McSweeney (P)2022 Terence A. McSweeney

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