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Couverture de The Queen of Ocean Parkway

The Queen of Ocean Parkway

De : Sarvenaz Tash
Lu par : Nikki Massoud
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    An 11-year-old podcaster-turned-sleuth teams up with the new kid in the building to find their missing neighbor! A captivating adventure perfect for fans of When You Reach Me and Only Murders in the Building.

    Eleven-year-old Roya is the superintendent’s kid in her regal Brooklyn apartment building, so she knows pretty much everything there is to know about its residents. An aspiring reporter, she even hosts a secret podcast about the lives of the building’s tenants. It’s a good distraction from the problems in her own life.

    But when Katya Petrov, one of her favorite tenants, goes missing, Roya discovers an eerie connection to Grandmother’s Predictions, an antique fortune-telling machine at Coney Island. "Grandmother" has been linked to multiple disappearances in the Petrov family over the last century. Now, with the help of a new friend who’s just moved in, it’s up to Roya to make her own headlines as she searches for Katya and attempts to break the Petrov curse once and for all.

    ©2024 Sarvenaz Tash (P)2024 Listening Library
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    A charming, warm-hearted tale that reads like a classic. This book is for the kids who curl up in corners of the library, reading for hours at a time and daydreaming of mystery and adventure. Themes of family, friendship, and courage abound, and Roya and Amin make for a truly delightful and dynamic duo.” —Claire Legrand, New York Times bestselling author of Some Kind of Happiness

    A clever feat of physics and fun. Sarvenaz Tash is an expert at writing bold concepts with masterful nuance and tenderness. I love this mystery!” —Lauren Magaziner, author of the Case Closed series

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