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The Pursuit of His Calling

De : Florence Muindi
Lu par : Florence Muindi
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“It was two in the morning and I was sobbing uncontrollably. I had been on my knees since 10 pm that night. I reached for my diary above the side table of my high school dormitory bed and with trembling hands opened to November 19, 1981. Then I took a pen and held it tight as if fearing someone might try to pull it out of my hands. Part of me did not want to do it. But this was the day and the hour. I surrendered all my rights. I gave God all I am and will ever be. I allowed him to own me. I put an end to my kingdom and ushered in His. Whatever that would mean, I gave in. I wrote down my covenant with God and signed it, so I wouldn’t forget. I even sealed this covenant with my very life, just in case I was tempted to change my mind. From that position, and with a purpose, I graduated from high school.”

This book is the testimony of what led to such a commitment by the then 20-year-old girl. She has pursued God, bound by that covenant for the last 27 years. She narrates the directions her life has taken driven by that one purpose. It is an adventure story following as God guides and a witness to how God intervenes to cause his will to be done. Following His purpose in covenant for 27 years!

©2020 Florence Muindi (P)2020 Florence Muindi
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