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  • The Purple Life

  • The Christian Business Woman's Guidebook to Faith, Favor, and Spiritual Warfare
  • De : Angie Nuttle
  • Lu par : Lisa Prather
  • Durée : 6 h et 54 min

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The Purple Life

De : Angie Nuttle
Lu par : Lisa Prather
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    Have you ever gotten a God Memo...a small whisper from Him—compelling you to do something "ark-size"?

    When you get a God Memo, everything changes for you in a single moment.

    Angie Nuttle shares her inspiring story of how God called her to The Purple Life—a bold and courageous life inspired by Lydia, Seller of Purple—that brings you to holy encounters and miraculous outcomes.

    Little is known about Lydia, a believer and seller of purple, but God abundantly favored her.

    • She ran a household
    • She was prosperous in her business.
    • She was unscathed by societal judgment.

    You serve the same God, but it's easy to be distracted by "things", and you are...

    • Facing worldly challenges as a Christian in your work, life, and relationships
    • Figuring out how to pray with authority and move forward in God's work
    • Fighting an enemy who's busy attacking your family, finances, and faith—he wants to separate you from your real calling.

    God's been trying to tell you something.... He's calling you to a life-changing mission that can take you to unexpected places.

    The Purple Life is a guidebook of bold spiritual warfare strategies that shut down the enemy so you can put your full focus on the presence of God and his purpose. Women want clarity on how to walk in God's favor and deal with spiritual warfare. This guidebook will teach you to:

    • Recognize a God Memo—and discern his voice (versus the enemy, who wants to keep you busy).
    • Discover the single reason women don’t achieve a meaningful life and the big lie that has you searching for purpose in all the wrong places.
    • The five things you should be doing everyday to build supernatural faith and favor in your business and life.
    • Unleash God’s authority and shut down the attacks against you, your family, and your finances using three bible-based power tools
    • Pray spirit-filled prayers that connect you deeply to God so you can shut down Satan’s five deceptive strategies.
    ©2022 Angie M Nuttle (P)2022 Lisa M Prather

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