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Couverture de The Pumpkin Princess and the Forever Night

The Pumpkin Princess and the Forever Night

De : Steven Banbury
Lu par : Alyssa Bresnahan
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    A spooky yet heartwarming adventure about one girl's journey into the land of the undead, and the unexpected family she finds along the way. Perfect for fans of Nevermoor and the hit series Wednesday.

    On Halloween, it is always wise to expect the unexpected, but no amount of planning could have prepared Eve for that particular night. Fleeing an unpleasant orphanage, she’s saved by someone who she never believed was real…the fabled Pumpkin King himself.

    Throwing caution aside, Eve accepts the offer to become his daughter and is whisked away to the misty Hallowell Valley—home to witches and vampires, ghosts and goblins, and all that go bump in the night. But just when she believes she’s found her place among the undead, a sinister scheme unearths itself, threatening to take everything from Eve unless she can stop it.

    From debut author Steven Banbury comes a cozy, magical adventure sure to delight anyone who loves the tricks of Halloween as much as the treats of autumn.

    ©2024 Steven Banbury (P)2024 Little, Brown Young Readers
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "A fantastical delight! The Pumpkin Princess and the Forever Night is imaginative and full of fun, like a perfect Halloween night filled with treats—and definitely a few surprising tricks!"—Julie Abe, author of the Eva Evergreen and Tessa Miyata series

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