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The Psychology of a Meatflake

De : Jemmy Borden
Lu par : Healthful Matthew
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Discover the hidden biases that shape meatflake behavior.

Have you ever been ridiculed for sticking up for animals? Or maybe some meatflake thought he was being clever by posting a picture of a steak on a post about animal abuse. Have you ever wondered what causes this cringeworthy behavior? Meatflakes are a special type of snowflake. They're known to be insecure and highly threatened by vegans and vegan food.

Here's some fun facts about meatflakes:

  • Meatflakes often claim they would rather die than give up meat.
  • Meatflakes instantly turn into a "nutrition expert" whenever the subject of meat comes up.
  • Meatflakes get easily offended when they hear anything negative about meat.
  • Meatflakes are known to be very dismissive of plant-based food without even trying it.
  • Meatflakes think it's clever to post a picture of a steak when someone is raising awareness about animal abuse.
  • Male meatflakes are often insecure about their masculinity and will eat even more meat to feel more manly.

Chances are you have a meatflake in your life. A little psychology goes a long way in explaining a lot of the cringeworthy behavior that meatflakes are known for. This book explores the hidden biases that cloud the way they think.

©2022 Jemmy Borden (P)2022 Jemmy Borden
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