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  • The Proven Method for Getting Your Kid to Eat, Sleep & Play Happily

  • De : Deanna Mason
  • Lu par : Deanna Mason
  • Durée : 57 min

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Couverture de The Proven Method for Getting Your Kid to Eat, Sleep & Play Happily

The Proven Method for Getting Your Kid to Eat, Sleep & Play Happily

De : Deanna Mason
Lu par : Deanna Mason
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    This audio course is aimed at parents of very young children, ages one to five, who are learning everything for the first time. This period is crucial for guiding them toward the behaviors we wish to see, as they have no previous references or memories. It's the best time to teach them basic skills and set limits for certain behaviors that may become problematic.

    Over the three lessons, you will learn the foundations for keeping your child healthy and happy, while helping them develop and grow correctly. You'll learn how to create good sleeping habits, how to encourage healthy eating with a positive attitude, and how to guide your little one in playing and exploring their surroundings away from screens. If you apply these principles, I guarantee that you and your child will be much better prepared for the next stage of their life.

    ©2024 Deanna Mason (P)2024 Deanna Mason & Audiskills

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