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  • The Protectorate War

  • The Shattering of Kingdoms, Book 4
  • De : Emmet Moss
  • Lu par : Simon Vance
  • Durée : 25 h et 28 min

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The Protectorate War

De : Emmet Moss
Lu par : Simon Vance
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    The lands of the Northern Council are under siege.

    Beset by marauding Gath, encroaching armies, and a mysterious plague, the end draws near. The bordermen of the Iron Shield continue to hold Jayden’s Pass against the might of a new goblin nation, but how will they overcome such insurmountable odds?

    The return of the Gorimm has left the members of the ancient race divided. As a consequence of their imprisonment in the Grey, the warriors of the Great Wood have yet to answer humankind’s request for aid against Kaleris and his Fallen mages.

    The reunified Drayen army, led by their new queen, race headlong into war upon their own soil. Meanwhile, thousands have rallied under the banner of the rightful heir, Kaimon Rhone, but time is running out. Surrounded by enemies, the Drayen-led alliance enacts a daring plan to lure the Protectorate forces into a final decisive battle. It may be their only hope for survival.

    And in the ruins of Caer Lindor, the fate of a broken kingdom will be decided.

    ©2022 Emmet Moss (P)2022 Podium Audio

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