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Couverture de The Prospects

The Prospects

De : KT Hoffman
Lu par : Shaan Dasani, KT Hoffman
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    “A queer sports romance and a triumphant debut . . . a heartstring-pulling tale of two minor-league baseball rivals who realize they play much better together.”—Elle, The Best (and Most Anticipated) Romance Books of 2024, So Far

    “I completely adored it.”—Casey McQuiston, author of Red, White & Royal Blue

    Minor leagues. Major chemistry.

    Hope is familiar territory for Gene Ionescu. He has always loved baseball, a sport made for underdogs and optimists like him. He also loves his team, the minor league Beaverton Beavers, and, for the most part, he loves the career he’s built. As the first openly trans player in professional baseball, Gene has nearly everything he’s ever let himself dream of—that is, until Luis Estrada, Gene’s former teammate and current rival, gets traded to the Beavers, destroying the careful equilibrium of Gene’s life.

    Gene and Luis can’t manage a civil conversation off the field or a competent play on it, but in the close confines of dugout benches and roadie buses, they begrudgingly rediscover a comfortable rhythm. As the two grow closer, the tension between them turns electric, and their chemistry spills past the confines of the stadium. For every tight double play they execute, there’s also a glance at summer-tan shoulders or a secret shared, each one a breathless moment of possibility that ignites in Gene the visceral, terrifying kind of desire he’s never allowed himself. Soon, Gene has to reconcile the quiet, minor-league-sized life he used to find fulfilling with the major-league dreams Luis inspires.

    This triumphant debut romance reveals what’s possible when we allow ourselves to want something enough to swing for the fences.

    ©2024 KT Hoffman (P)2024 Random House Audio
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT


    “A queer sports romance and a triumphant debut from KT Hoffman, The Prospects is a heartstring-pulling tale of two minor-league baseball rivals who realize they play much better together.”—Elle, The Best (and Most Anticipated) Romance Books of 2024, So Far

    “Tenacious, sexy, effervescent, doggedly hopeful, and endlessly charming, with characters to root hard for and an irresistible voice . . . I completely adored it.”—Casey McQuiston, author of Red, White and Royal Blue

    “Hoffman’s debut is entertaining, sexy and delivers a much-needed joyful tale of queer love.”—USA Today

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