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Couverture de The Profound, Part 1

The Profound, Part 1

De : Manus Braith
Lu par : Michael Hajiantonis
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    "The Profound - Part 1" is the first volume of a narrative spanning many volumes. This series is a slow burn that introduces the listener into a world both magic and scary.

    James Tannot, a young Irishman from Dublin, actually has no aspirations of becoming a hero or an enlightened master. His main objective is to enjoy his time as a medical student in Southern France and graduate as an MD from Marseille University. However, he fails the entrance exam and shortly thereafter meets a peculiar Armenian doctor who introduces him to a secret community of healers and magicians called the Cymdeithas. They take him in and aim to turn him into a healer. Suddenly, James finds himself in a world where sorcery and supernatural abilities are as real as a supermarket in the ordinary world.

    And there is more: during his training with the Cymdeithas, James not only encounters his soulmate, Manush, but also discovers that in this course of study, he must be willing to risk his life. But, please do not get this series wrong. There are no vampires and sex driven demons, there are no magic wands and there is no exhilarating battle between good and evil. The narrative in this series is far more complex. The story is infused with spiritual teachings from all sorts of traditions and is just as much about a personal journey of healing, as it is about the obstacles humanity faces in its struggle to overcome evil, boredom and the curse of no-meaning.

    Though a fantasy novel, the author weaves an intriguing story that is more about our everyday reality, than one may think. So, if you simply want to listen to a thrilling adventure void of meaning for your real life: don't listen. But if you believe that there is more to life than what meets the eye, if you always felt, that something in our world is off, then go ahead.

    ©2024 Nicolas David Carter (P)2024 Nicolas David Carter

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