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Couverture de The Profit Machine

The Profit Machine

De : Larry Earnhart
Lu par : Larry Earnhart
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    If your business is not earning profits you will soon be out of business. In The Profit Machine, author Larry Earnhart shows you what it takes to turn your business into a profit making machine. Find out how to put Profit as the goal of your business driving all other aspects of your operation. Learn how to transform your business into the business you always dreamed it could be.

    Follow Handyman Joe and see how he learns to apply the 5 Parts of Profit to his business dealing with the same problems small business owners face every day. Learn how to create a referral-based business and how to get customers to return again and again. Learn about the folly of discounting and how to raise your prices instead.

    Learn about the 5 Parts of Profit:

    • Number of Prospects
    • Conversion Rate
    • Price
    • Number of Repeat Customers
    • Profit Margin

    Each of the 5 Parts of Profit fits with the others to cover the entire process of operating a business. By putting Profit first, by making incremental improvements, by delighting your customers you can make your business the best.

    Become the entrepreneur you know you can be. Turn your business into a Profit Machine.

    ©2014 Larry Earnhart (P)2014 Larry Earnhart

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