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  • The Product Innovator’s Handbook

  • How to Design and Manufacture a Product That People Want to Buy
  • De : Gethin Roberts
  • Lu par : Gethin Roberts
  • Durée : 3 h et 27 min

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The Product Innovator’s Handbook

De : Gethin Roberts
Lu par : Gethin Roberts
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    Why do some physical products succeed and others fail?

    When you have an idea for a new product, it’s a pivotal moment. This device of yours will enhance the lives of the people who use it, earn you extra money, and have a significant impact on the world.

    However, there’s much more to a successful product than the quality of the original idea. Why do some products fly off the shelves and others not even reach the market? That’s what this book will explain.

    You’ll learn how to decide if your physical product solves the right problem, who to sell it to, and how to protect and fund it. You’ll also explore different business models and manufacturing options and discover the ins and outs of the product design process. By the end, you’ll understand what it takes to be a professional product innovator.

    Gethin Roberts is an experienced product design engineer and Managing Director of ITERATE, a dynamic product design consultancy that blends creative and technical expertise to develop products from idea all the way through to production.

    ©2023 Gethin Roberts (P)2023 Practical Inspiration Publishing

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