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  • The Problem of Evil

  • The Collected Writings of Murray Stein, Volume 7
  • De : Murray Stein
  • Lu par : James Conlan
  • Durée : 7 h et 43 min

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The Problem of Evil

De : Murray Stein
Lu par : James Conlan
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    Dr. Murray Stein’s prolific career has produced a substantial body of writings, lectures, and interviews. His writings, captured in these volumes, span a wide domain of topics, including Christianity, individuation, midlife, the practice of analytical psychology, and topics in contemporary society. His deep understanding of analytical psychology is much more than an academic discourse, but rather a deeply personal study of Jung that spans nearly half a century.

    Volume 7 of the Collected Writings of Murray Stein brings together the author’s writings on moral conscience and the problem of evil as developed in the works of C.G. Jung and other psychologists and philosophers. Included are reflections on the nature of evil and the source of evil, the importance of becoming conscious of what Jung called “the shadow” aspect of the personality, and the role of the individuation process for containment of shadow enactments.

    Murray Stein, Ph.D. is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich (ISAP-ZURICH). He is a founding member of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts (1977) and of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts (1980). He was president of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) from 2001 to 2004 and President of ISAP-ZURICH from 2008 to 2012.

    He has lectured internationally and authored countless papers and well over 45 books, including Jung’s Treatment of Christianity, In Midlife, Jung’s Map of the Soul, Minding the Self, Outside Inside and All Around, and Jung’s Red Book for Our Time Volume 1 through 5 (co-edited with Thomas Arzt). He is currently preparing his Collected Writings, seven volumes of which have been published to date.

    ©2023 Chiron Publications (P)2024 Chiron Publications

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