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Couverture de The Price of Temptation

The Price of Temptation

De : Harmony Williams
Lu par : Mary Jane Wells
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    Lily Darling knew that marrying a con man was a risk, but her new husband swore those days were behind him. Then he disappears without a word, taking all of her money with him. So when her scoundrel of a husband mysteriously returns, years later, hoping to set things right, Lily guards her heart. But curse the man for being just as breathlessly handsome as the day she last saw him.

    Adam Darling never meant to leave his innocent, beautiful wife, but if he hadn’t, he would’ve been sent to prison and Lily’s good reputation destroyed. He can’t blame her for hating him, and now that he’s back, he’ll do whatever he must to prove he never stopped loving her, even if it takes the rest of his life.

    But when Lily is blackmailed by someone from their past, she wonders if the reason Adam abandoned her is more complex than a simple con. To find the truth, though, she’ll need to do the impossible - trust him - and with the attraction simmering between them hotter than ever, getting too close could get her burned...

    ©2020 by Harmony Williams. (P)2020 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved. This edition is made possible under a license arrangement with Entangled Publishing, Inc.


    "The Price of Temptation brimmed with passion, longing, cleverness, and is a treat for all historical romance lovers." (USA Today Bestselling Author Stacy Reid)

    "Williams creates vibrant and interesting characters that keep you turning pages, because you just have to find out what happens to them next." (Award-winning author Merry Farmer)

    "The Price of Temptation is a tale of tricks and twists that will keep you guessing." (USA Today Bestselling Author Sasha Cottman)

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